Tobe Nwigwe and Wife Fat Designed the Guests Clothes for Their Wedding

While 2020 had its massive bumps, it allowed certain individuals to look within themselves and make the most of the circumstances. For the rapping couple, Tobe Nwigwe and Fat Nwigwe, the year was eventful.

While 2020 had its massive bumps, it allowed certain individuals to look within themselves and make the most of the circumstances. For the rapping couple, Tobe Nwigwe and Fat Nwigwe, the year was eventful.

First, Tobe had his banger 'I'm Dope' find a spot in former first lady Michelle Obama's workout playlist. This was followed by Beyoncé adding 'Jocki' to her playlist.

Then, he dropped 'I Need You,' a profound 44-second protest song that called out the police officers guilty for the slaying of Breonna Taylor.

The track went on to turn the heads of Madonna, Alicia Keys, and LeBron James.

It then ascended to be one of the end-of-year anthems. And much like the art form of music and performance going hand in hand, Tobe and his wife, Fat, are inseparable.

In their music videos, they give the viewers a glimpse of their simple domestic life.

By sharing intimate scenes like braiding and twisting each other's hair, the couple focuses their art around the themes of family and community. 

One of the demonstrations of such a sense of togetherness was seen during their wedding when Tobe designed the dress code for the guests and collaborated with designers on Fat's gown. 

The Wedding Dress Code

The rap couple tied the knot back in 2018. After their wedding, they talked about the ceremony on their YouTube channel, Forever Twisted. I

n the video, they lovingly recounted the events of their wedding over some homely okra soup.

Tobe pointed out the colors of the day, which were olive, gold, and ivory, around which the outfits were based.

His suit and shoes were custom-made by the designer Georgia Dodo from My Tailor Me under his specifications.

Fat's wedding dress, on the other hand, was made by Above The Curve Design Co, and her reception dress was done by Zainob+Mathew Create. Both he and she collaborated on the design for it.

Fat also mentioned that she had another dress to wear for the party, and the plan was to change the second half of the event. But, she didn't bother to, as she was having too much fun.

Tobe's wedding attire was a regal-looking olive suit with a matching long coat. For Fat, it was an elegantly composed gown of lace and fringe that swooped daintily across the floor.

In addition, the guests wore traditionally patterned bubas that reflected their Nigerian roots. Back in December last year, the couple celebrated three years of being together.

For the celebration, Tobe wore his wedding suit once again. In the aforementioned video, Tobe also jokingly commented that the viewers are free to steal their ideas for the wedding as they don't plan to get married again.

The Nwigwe Romance

This power couple's focus has always been on bringing the sentiments of the family to the forefront. By feeding off each other's energy and channeling it to expand their horizons, Tobe and Fat have been a duo with many stans.

The pair had initially met in church, then got to working in a non-profit together, and have been each other's rock ever since.

They got engaged in February 2017, got married later that year, and now have three children together; son, Chukwueze, and two daughters, Ivory and Sage.

